Republic of Fiji

Asia-Pacific  Small Island Developing States 


No. of projects


Total GCF financing


No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


Explore more funding data in the GCF Open Data Library



Multiple countries

Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change


Multiple countries

Multi-country Project Advancing Early Warnings for All (EW4All)


Multiple countries

Global Fund for Coral Reefs Investment Window


Multiple countries

Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Equity


Multiple countries

Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Technical Assistance (TA) Facility



Fiji Agrophotovoltaic Project in Ovalau



Fiji Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Management Project

National Designated Authority

Office of the Prime Minister
Honorable Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka Primary
Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change
New Wing, Government Buildings,, Suva, Fiji
Dr. Sivendra Michael Primary
Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Ms. Senivasa Waqaramasi Secondary
Director - Climate Change Division
Mr. Ravneeth Dewan Operational focal point
Ms. Deepa Pullanikkatil Operational focal point
Ms. Genevieve Jiva Operational focal point
Ms. Elaine Sharma Operational focal point

Direct access Accredited Entities

GCF Team

Princess Kaite Corporal
Regional Analyst
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Diane McFadzien
Sub Regional Lead
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News + Stories

Reframing development goals to catalyze climate finance

15 Oct 2018 / To expand the impact of GCF-funding and empower locally driven climate actions, a pioneering collaboration between the Government of Germany, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment and the World Resource Institute (WRI), supported nine countries to put systems in place to understand and engage effectively with the Green Climate Fund and to systematically address overall climate finance gaps and opportunities.

GCF talks renewable energy with Alliance of Small Island States

19 Oct 2017 / GCF participated in the recent high-level meeting of 17 ministers of Energy and Environment of the the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

GCF and ADB sign agreement to help Fiji address its water challenge

17 Oct 2017 / GCF and ADB have deepened their support bolstering Pacific island countries’ climate responses with the signing of a key funding agreement to improve Fiji’s water management.

Shoring up early warning systems for Asia-Pacific SIDS

29 Sep 2017 / Five island countries in the Asia-Pacific region are teaming up with the WMO to boost their resilience to weather events.

Regional workshop accelerates Pacific Island engagement with GCF

03 Aug 2016 / GCF this week welcomed over 170 representatives from Pacific Islands countries, Accredited Entities to the GCF, development partners, civil society and the private sector to the Pacific Regional Meeting.

Australia and the GCF Secretariat co-host the Pacific Regional Workshop in Fiji

26 Jul 2016 / The Government of Australia and the GCF Secretariat are working together to co-host the second Green Climate Fund (GCF) regional meeting in the Pacific.

Ready, Set, Fund!

20 Nov 2015 / GCF Executive Director calls on Ambassadors to bring ambitious and innovative projects to the Fund
