GCF’s administrative policies cover GCF’s key administrative processes including information disclosure, human resources, travel, procurement, accounting, communications, and management of conflict of interests. They also set out draft provisions for privileges and immunities.
Policies and decisions
Information disclosure
1 policy
1 policy
Adopted by decision B.12/35 (a). Sets out the policy regarding the information that the Fund makes available to the public either as a routine matter or upon request.
Administrative policies
6 policies, 4 decisions
6 policies, 4 decisions
Adopted by decision B.06/03 (a). Covers various administrative matters including administrative guidelines on HR, admin budget, procurement and asset management, ICT, and audit and internal controls.
Corporate procurement guidelines for goods and services – replaced by AI on corporate procurement
Adopted by decision B.08/21 (a); delegated to Secretariat per decision B.23/02. Establishes the corporate procurement guidelines for goods and services. Resulting from the delegation to the Secretariat, an administrative instruction on corporate procurement was developed.
Corporate procurement guidelines on the use of consultants – replaced by AI on corporate procurement
Adopted by decision B.08/21 (a); delegated to Secretariat per decision B.23/02. Establishes the corporate procurement guidelines for goods and services. Resulting from the delegation to the Secretariat, an administrative instruction on corporate procurement was developed.
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/06 (a). Adopts the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework as the internal control framework for the GCF.
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/06 (c). Establishes the administrative guidelines on the internal control framework and internal audit standards.
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/06 (c). Establishes the administrative guidelines on the internal control framework and internal audit standards.
Adopted by decision B.38/06. The compensation philosophy will guide compensation decisions with a distinct focus on attracting, nurturing, motivating, and retaining diverse, world-class talent. The key guiding principles of the Compensation Philosophy include competitiveness, transparency and predictability, equity, rewards, and responsibility and accountability.
This document captures the policy as adopted by the Board in decision B.08/17, paragraph (a), and subsequently amended by decisions B.34/20, B.34/21, and B.37/08. The policy was sent to the Board for consideration at B.08 in document GCF/B.08/26 titled “Administrative Guidelines on Human Resources".
Adopted by decision B.07/02. Sets out the initial basic fiduciary standards for administrative and financial capacities.
Accounting standard for the Fund
Decision B.08/18 adopts the International Financial Reporting Standards as the accounting standard for the Fund.
Adopted by decision B.38/07 and applicable as of 2025. This framework sets out the accounting policy of GCF and requirements related to the preparation and execution of the GCF administrative budget to enable the efficient allocation and management of financial resources for the administrative operations of the Fund and to support its mission and goals. It introduces a rolling multi-year budgeting approach aligned with GCF replenishment cycles.
Interim travel policy
Decision B.01-13/02 sets out that the travel and daily subsistence allowance for Board and Alternate Members will be provided from the administrative budget of the Fund.
Agreement on use of the administrative tribunal of the International Labour Organization in disputes involving staff of the GCF Secretariat
Decision B.15/15 decides to recognize the jurisdiction of the ILO in respect of disputes involving a member of staff of the Secretariat or its independent units.
GCF logo
Decision B.BM-2014/04 adopts the GCF logo.
Ethics and conflicts of interests
5 policies
5 policies
Adopted by decision B.09/03 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Board.
Adopted by decision B.13/27 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Board-appointed officials.
Adopted by decision B.10/13 (c). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Executive Director.
Adopted by decision B.23/08 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the active observers of the GCF.
Adopted by decision B.10/13 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for external members of the GCF panels and groups.
Privileges and immunities
1 policy
1 policy
Adopted by decision B.10/12 (a). Sets out the status, immunities, exemptions and priviledges of the Fund in the territory of [country].
1 decision
1 decision
Communications and outreach
Decision B.13/25 sets out the preliminary communication objectives of the GCF.
Hedging policy
1 policy
1 policy
Adopted by decision B.34/22. Sets out the approaches by which GCF will seek to manage its foreign exchange (FX) risk exposure to minimize the effect of currency fluctuations on the commitment authority of GCF.
1 policy
1 policy
Adopted by decision B.BM-2015/05 and applicable up to 2024. These guidelines formulate and document procedures to implement policies; ensures that all financial transactions are recorded, define financial operating controls; includes implementation and compliance modalities and exemptions.