Readiness & preparatory support

GCF's Readiness Programme provides resources for countries and entities to efficiently engage with GCF

GCF expert placement scheme

We are excited to announce the launch of the GCF Expert Placement Scheme, a key initiative under the Readiness Strategy 2024-2027 designed to enhance effective engagement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF).


The Readiness Strategy 2024-2027 aims to help countries build the institutional capacity necessary for effective and consistent engagement with the GCF. As part of this strategy, National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and focal points have the option of requesting the placement of a local expert within their offices or another relevant agency.

The expert placed by the GCF serves to assist the country in their interactions with the GCF Secretariat, including, but not limited to country programming, planning readiness support over medium-term, supporting origination efforts for mainstream funding, overseeing readiness activities and climate investments, and monitoring and reporting.

This initiative not only aims to enhance the immediate engagement with the GCF but also seeks to build long-term local capacity to address climate priorities effectively.

To ensure consistency and efficiency in the support provided, the GCF Secretariat provides standardized Terms of Reference (TOR) for these experts. While standardized, the TOR can be tailored in coordination with the GCF Secretariat to fit the unique context and needs of each country.


The recruitment of these experts follows a fast-track modality directly managed by the GCF. The process involves:

  • Targeting local expertise: The strategy prioritises hiring local talent to leverage their knowledge and expertise, ensuring that GCF's climate financing aligns with the country's priorities. This approach also aims to develop local skills and capacities essential for addressing national climate challenges.
  • Selection and training: Following corporate procurement guidelines, the GCF will recruit experts, based on processes that are designed to be open, fair, and transparent. Experts will be chosen jointly by the country and the GCF, with appropriate institutional arrangements and reporting responsibilities. Experts will be trained in the policies, systems, processes, and instruments of the GCF. This training aims to prepare them to effectively support NDAs in accessing and engaging with the GCF.


The funding for these expert placements varies based on the country:

  • For Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the cost will be covered by the dedicated allocation of USD 320,000.
  • For countries that are not LDCs or SIDS, the cost of the expert placement will be funded through the country's main support window.


To initiate the process of hiring a GCF expert, NDAs should submit a request via email to their regional desk. The regional desk will then coordinate with the NDA to customise the TOR to fit the country’s specific needs and plan the procurement process.