Solomon Islands

Asia-Pacific  Least Developed Countries  Small Island Developing States 


No. of projects


Total GCF financing


No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


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Multiple countries

Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change


Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands Knowledge-Action-Sustainability for Resilient Villages (SOLKAS) Project


Solomon Islands

Tina River Hydropower Development Project

National Designated Authority

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
Ms. Susan Sulu Primary
Mr. Chanel Iroi Operational focal point

GCF Team

Princess Kaite Corporal
Regional Analyst
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Diane McFadzien
Sub Regional Lead
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News + Stories

GCF and World Bank kick off hydropower project in Solomon Islands

02 Aug 2019 / The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the World Bank have signed an agreement to implement the Tina River Hydropower Development Project to help the Solomon Islands transition from diesel-generated to clean, renewable energy. The signing of the Funded Activity Agreement (FAA) enables GCF to begin transferring USD 86 million in climate financing to the World Bank for this USD 234 million project which is expected to provide a clean and reliable source of electricity in the capital, Honiara, by 2024.

GCF talks renewable energy with Alliance of Small Island States

19 Oct 2017 / GCF participated in the recent high-level meeting of 17 ministers of Energy and Environment of the the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

Shoring up early warning systems for Asia-Pacific SIDS

29 Sep 2017 / Five island countries in the Asia-Pacific region are teaming up with the WMO to boost their resilience to weather events.