GCF embodies equitable governance to respond to the global challenge of climate change, one that ensures consensus-based decisions between developed and developing countries.Board decisions
Most decisions are adopted by the GCF Board during its regular meetings, with a few being adopted in between sessions. These decisions are listed on this section, as well as in the various Board meeting pages. Policies and strategies adopted by some of these decisions are extracted and mapped in our policies and stategies page.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/21 titled “Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers”,
- Adopts the Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for Board-appointed officials of the Green Climate Fund set out in annex V;
- Requests the Ethics and Audit Committee, with the support of the Secretariat, to continue its work on recommended policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for active observers; and
- Also requests the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit to develop administrative guidance on the implementation of the GCF policies on ethics and conflicts of interest, including definitions of terms used in the policies, as soon as possible.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/23 titled “Consideration of accreditation proposals”,
- Decides to defer the consideration of applicants 034 to 038, as contained in document GCF/B.13/23, until the fourteenth meeting of the Board; and
- Requests the Accreditation Committee to present for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting a policy document that addresses the current policy gaps in the accreditation framework, in particular matters related to the types of entities to be accredited to the GCF.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/19 (limited distribution) titled “Accreditation master agreements and funded activity agreements”,
- Takes note with appreciation of the progress made by the Executive Director in executing accreditation master agreements;
- Notes the progress made by the Secretariat in negotiating changes to the accreditation master agreement template so as to meet the unique circumstances and requirements of specific accredited entities, and notes in particular the specific issues it has highlighted for the Board in document GCF/B.13/19 as potential “substantive changes” from the accreditation master agreement template;
- Recognizes the need to conclude the outstanding accreditation master agreements with urgency, and notes the flexibility provided by the Board in decision B.12/31 in that regard, in which it noted that the template accreditation master agreement was a basis for negotiations and provided a process for the resolution and Board approval of “substantive changes” from the template accreditation master agreement with recourse to the Board, where appropriate;
- Reiterates the process as set out in decision B.12/31 for addressing substantive changes from the template accreditation master agreement, clarifies that provisions which contradict a Board-approved policy are substantive changes, and further clarifies that other changes that, in the judgment of the Executive Director, materially affect the terms of the template accreditation master agreement are to be addressed through the process set out in such a decision;
- Requests that the Secretariat, on behalf of the GCF, conclude pending accreditation master agreements as a matter of urgency, recognizing the potential contribution of each agreement towards approved projects and the functioning of the project pipeline;
- Decides, in this regard, that pending agreements for which negotiations are concluded prior to the fourteenth meeting of the Board and for which recourse to the Board is required under decision B.12/31 should be promptly submitted for approval by the Board under the no-objection procedure established for decisions between meetings as set out in paragraphs 41–44 of the Rules of Procedures of the Board;
- Urges the Secretariat to consider how to expedite the approval of outstanding accreditation master agreements, and to report to the Board at its fourteenth meeting with any requests for Board action in this regard; and
- Also urges all relevant parties to continue to work in good faith taking into consideration Board approved policies to finalize negotiations on outstanding accreditation master agreements.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/19 (limited distribution) titled “Accreditation master agreements and funded activity agreements”,
- Decides to approve the amendments from the accreditation master agreement with Acumen Fund, Inc. in respect of the implementation of FP005, as set out in annex VI;
- Requests the Executive Director or her designee to conclude negotiations with Acumen Fund, Inc., on the funded activity agreement and its related legal arrangements for the implementation of FP005 and to execute these in such form and substance as she deems appropriate, and expresses its full support for the outcome of the negotiations on the relevant legal arrangements; and
- Decides, with reference to decision B.BM-2016/07 (limited distribution), to extend the deadline up to 180 days after the date of effectiveness of the relevant accreditation master agreement or the date of this decision, whichever is later, for entering into the funded activity agreements for the following funding proposals:
- FP001 (Profonanpe, Peru);
- FP002 (United Nations Development Programme, Malawi);
- FP003 (Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal);
- FP005 (Acumen Fund, Inc., East Africa); and
- FP007 (United Nations Development Programme, Maldives).
The Board also adopted a limited distribution decision under this agenda item:
DECISION B.13/31 on Accreditation Master Agreement.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/24 titled “Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”,
- Reaffirms the resource allocation framework for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme as contained in decision B.08/11;
- Also reaffirms decision B.06/06 on the initial parameters and guidelines for allocating resources during the initial phase of the GCF, that decided that sufficient resources should be provided for readiness and preparatory support activities;
- Further reaffirms the important role of the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme in the development of country programming frameworks;
- Welcomes the simplification of the readiness support template and encourages the Secretariat to continue to expedite the approval and disbursement of readiness and preparatory support resources;
- Adopts the revised indicative list of activities that can be supported by the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme as contained in annex VII;
- Requests the Secretariat to present, in their report to the Board at its fourteenth meeting, analysis of the challenges identified so far in the effective and efficient implementation of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, and an assessment of actions taken as well as progress achieved to date on the implementation and outcomes of approved readiness activities;
- Notes difficulties that have been encountered in the conclusion of readiness grant agreements;
- Agrees to simplify the readiness grant agreement with a view to developing an arrangement for country programme framework agreements in order to expedite the disbursement of readiness resources;
- Decides that the terms of the accreditation master agreement template may not be applicable to the readiness programme; and
- Amends decision B.12/31, paragraph (h), to add the following sentence: “Paragraph 7(b) of Exhibit A of the accreditation master agreement shall not apply to readiness delivery partners that have immunities under international law”.
The Board,
- Decides to defer the issue of country ownership guidelines for consideration at its fourteenth meeting;
- Requests the Secretariat to prepare the guidelines on country ownership based on the elements of decision B.10/10, paragraph (c), and to include appropriate elements of the strategic plan into the guidelines related to country ownership; and
- Also requests the Secretariat to ensure the guidelines include guidance for the operationalization of all Board decisions related to country ownership.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/26 titled “Further development of some indicators in the performance measurement frameworks”,
Decides to defer consideration of further development of some indicators in the performance measurement frameworks as contained in document GCF/B.13/26 to the fourteenth meeting of the Board.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/29 titled “Report on the proposed revision of the risk register”:
- Notes that the Risk Management Committee reviewed the proposed revision of the risk register and concluded that the revision was reasonable; and
- Decides that the risk register will be updated as frequently as the Risk Management Committee deems necessary, but no less frequently than once every three years.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/27/Rev.02 titled “Interim risk and investment guidelines: Risk Management Committee proposal”:
- Adopts the Interim risk and investment guidelines as contained in annexes VIII and IX. These guidelines will expire the earlier of (i) the sixteenth meeting of the Board, or (ii) at the adoption of an updated set of risk policies and guidelines as determined by decision B.12/34;
- Decides that, in case these interim guidelines expire and the Secretariat cannot yet confirm that adequate in-house risk management capacity is in place, the GCF will only be able to participate in a tranche aligned with the accredited entity on all terms and conditions other than pricing and must not be the largest contributor or financier in a tranche or any whole project, in order to mitigate GCF risk exposure;
- Reiterates that the GCF intends to be an institution that takes risks that other institutions or funds are not willing or able to take; and
- Requests the Secretariat to develop the necessary methodologies and internal procedures, hire a permanent Risk Manager and additional staff to enhance the Secretariat’s risk management capacity as a matter of urgency, and report to the Board, as part of the report on the activities of the Secretariat at each meeting, on the status of this process.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/28 “Administrative Tribunal of the Green Climate Fund (status update)”,
- Takes note of the progress made to date with respect to the arrangements for the Administrative Tribunal of the GCF; and
- Requests the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board as soon as is possible, and no later than at its fifteenth meeting, setting out the options for the Administrative Tribunal of the GCF, which should include an estimate of the related costs.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/22 titled “Audited financial statements of the Green Climate Fund for the year ended 31 December 2015”,
Approves the financial statements of the GCF for the year ended 31 December 2015 as contained in annex X.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/31 titled “Date and venue of the following meeting of the Board”,
- Affirms that the fourteenth meeting of the Board will take place from Tuesday, 18 October 2016, to Thursday, 20 October 2016;
- Decides that the fourteenth meeting of the Board will take place in Quito, Ecuador, as suggested by the host country; and
- Requests the Secretariat to continue its consultations with Ecuador with a view to concluding the required legal agreement and to making the necessary arrangements.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/BM-2016/10 titled “Terms of reference for the review of observer participation”:
- Approves the terms of reference for the review of observer participation, as contained in annex I to this document; and
- Requests the Secretariat to conduct consultations, starting at the thirteenth meeting of the Board, with accredited observers with a view to identifying existing gaps and needed improvements, and to presenting a report with recommendations on the outcomes of the review for consideration by the Board no later than its fifteenth meeting.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/BM-2016/07 titled “Updating the Green Climate Fund’s Gender Policy and Action Plan”,
- Approves the terms of reference for the update of the Fund’s Gender Policy and Action Plan, as contained in Annex I of this document.
The Board, in accordance with decision B.08/20 and through a decision taken between meetings on a no-objection basis:
Approves the accreditation of the following organizations as observer organizations with the Fund:
Civil Society Organizations:
African Women’s Network for Community management of Forests (REFACOF)
CEE Bankwatch Network (BWN)
Coordinating Body of the Indigenous Organizations in the Amazon Basin (COICA)
The Development Fund Norway (DF)
International Geothermal Association (IGA)
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
Prakriti Resources Centre (PRC)
Solar Sisters
Private sector organizations:
Adam Smith International (ASI)
The Carbon Trust
Perspectives GmbH (PCC)
International entities:
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)
European Forest Institute (EFI)
The Board,
Appoints Mr. Carlos Raúl Delgado Aranda as a member of the Risk Management Committee.
The Board,
Appoints Mr. Yingming Yang as a member of the Risk Management Committee.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/29 titled “Appointment of representatives to the Private Sector Advisory Group: proposal from the Co‐Chairs”,
- Appoints the following four private sector representatives from developing countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group:
- Mr. Dipal Chandra Barua;
- Mr. Rodrigo Violic;
- Mr. Inderpreet Wadhwa; and
- Mr. Kevin Whitfield;
- Also appoints the following four private sector representatives from developed countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group:
- Mr. David Bresch;
- Mr. Jay Koh;
- Mr. Torben Möger Pedersen; and
- Mr. Hiroyuki Tezuka;
- Further appoints Mr. Aurelio Souza as a civil society representative from developing countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group; and
- Requests the Secretariat to initiate an open call for nominations, including from Board members, for the selection of one civil society representative from developed countries in accordance with the terms of reference as set out in annex XIX to decision B.05/13, with the appointment of nominated representatives subject to approval by the Co‐Chairs.
The Board,
Decides to defer its consideration of the performance criteria and measurement procedure of the Heads of the Accountability Units to the thirteenth meeting of the Board.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/22 titled “Appointment of additional experts of the independent Technical Advisory Panel”,
- Endorses the nomination by the Investment Committee of the following experts of the independent Technical Advisory Panel (the Panel) for one term:
- Mr. Felix Dayo (Nigeria);
- Ms. Marina Shvangiradze (Georgia); and
- Mr. Daniel Nolasco (Canada/Argentina);
- Notes that the endorsed candidates have been informed of the Fund’s policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for external members of the Green Climate Fund panels and groups, and that they will be bound by the policy upon the endorsement under paragraph (a) above;
- Also notes that the endorsed candidates have provided a list of their respective current functions and roles and have stated that they do not have any current conflict of interest;
- Further notes that, with the candidates endorsed at this meeting, the composition of the Panel deviates on an exceptional basis from the geographical balance between developed and developing countries approved in decision B.09/10, paragraph (a);
- Decides that the matter of the composition of the Panel, including balance in terms of geographical and technical expertise coverage, will be included as part of the review of the structure and effectiveness of the Panel requested by the Board through decision B.10/09, paragraph (d); and
- Notes that each Panel member will be subject to regular performance evaluations, consistent with the Fund’s practice for external members serving on panels and groups of the Fund.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/03/Rev.01 titled “2016 Work Plan of the Board: proposal from the Co‐Chairs”,
- Approves the Work Plan of the Board for 2016, as set out in annex II to document GCF/B.12/03/Rev.01; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to update the Work Plan following each meeting of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting that outlines the Fund’s approach for ensuring complementarity and coherence with other institutions in accordance with paragraphs 33 and 34 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF and relevant guidance from the Conference of the Parties;
- Also requests the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting that outlines ways to provide support pursuant to the existing Fund modalities, for facilitating access to environmentally sound technologies in developing countries, and for undertaking collaborative research and development for enabling developing countries to enhance their mitigation and adaptation action;
- Further requests the Secretariat to present a document for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting on how the Fund may wish to support the Cancun Adaptation Framework and relevant adaptation planning articles of the Paris Agreement;
- Also requests the Secretariat to provide a document for consideration by Board at its fourteenth meeting, allowing for the operationalization of results‐based payments for activities referred to in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70, consistent with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 9/CP.19 and in accordance with Board decision B.08/08;
- Further requests the Secretariat to provide a document, for the consideration of the Board at its fifteenth meeting, regarding alternative policy approaches, such as joint mitigation and adaptation approaches for the integral and sustainable management of forests consistent with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 16/CP.21, paragraph 6, and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 7/CP.21, paragraph 25;
- Invites the Private Sector Advisory Group to make recommendations on the mobilization of private sector finance to progress the Fund’s forestry‐related result areas for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting in 2016.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with Board members and alternate Board members on the establishment of an Appointment Committee as a standing committee of the Board and to present, for consideration by Board, the outcomes of their consultations no later than the fifteenth meeting of the Board; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to undertake consultations with the Board on the first formal replenishment process of the Green Climate Fund, and present a report on the outcomes of these consultations to the Board no later than its fourteenth meeting;
- Also requests the Co‐Chairs to present their initial observations on the first formal replenishment process at the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
- Further requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs to prepare documentation related to the design and development of the first formal replenishment process; and
- Requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board, having considered the views of Board members contained in the document titled “Compilation of submissions ‐ simplified processes for approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small‐scale activities”,1
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult the Board with a view to presenting for consideration and adoption by the Board, the outcome of their consultations related to simplified processes for the approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small‐scale activities, at its thirteenth meeting;
- Also requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs in the preparation of the documentation related to the consideration by the Board of a simplified approval process; and
- Requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with a view to presenting, for consideration by the Board, further options for decision‐making in the absence of consensus no later than its fifteenth meeting; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with a view to presenting, for consideration by the Board, matters related to the guidelines to determine in which cases decisions may be taken without a Board meeting, no later than its fifteenth meeting; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with a view to presenting, for consideration by the Board, the Travel policy of the Fund no later than its fourteenth meeting; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with fellow Board members and alternate Board members, active observers and accredited observer organizations in relation to the comprehensive review of the participation of observers in the activities of the Board, with a view to presenting, for consideration by the Board, the terms of reference for this review no later than the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
- Invites observer organizations to submit to the Secretariat views on the terms of reference for the review by 10 April 2016;
- Requests the Secretariat to support the Co‐Chairs in the preparation of the terms of reference and to undertake the review for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
- Decides to defer the annual review of financial terms and conditions to its sixteenth meeting, which will be held in 2017; and
- Requests the Investment Committee to provide the draft terms of reference for the annual review for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting.
The Board,
- Decides to review the gender policy and gender action plan at its fifteenth meeting, which will be held in December 2016; and
- Requests the Secretariat to provide the draft terms of reference of the review for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting.
The Board,
- Decides to defer its consideration of the policy regarding the cases in which the high‐level concessional terms and the low‐level concessional terms for public sector proposal will apply, no later than its sixteenth meeting, which will be held in 2017, noting that in the interim they will be applied on a case‐by‐case basis per decision B.09/04 and annex III to decision B.05/07;
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to consult with Board members and alternateBoard members, the Risk Management Committee, the Investment Committee and external stakeholders, including accredited entities, in order to provide a recommendation based on lessons learned from the current application of financial terms and conditions, to the extent available, and in line with the set of guiding principles and factors for determining terms of financial instruments as outlined in annex III to decision B.05/07, for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting; and
- Requests the Co‐Chairs with the support of the Secretariat to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board.
The Board,
Decides to defer the annual scaling review till 2017 and requests the Co‐Chairs to include this matter in the Work Plan for 2017.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/16 titled “Performance review of the Executive Director, report from the Executive Director Performance Review Committee”,
Takes note of the documents titled “Summary report of the performance review of the Executive Director of the independent Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund”, “Lessons learned through the Executive Director performance review”, “360 degree feedback Report conducted by the independent firm” and “Executive Director self‐assessment (July 2013 to end‐December 2015)” shared as confidential documents with Board members and alternate Board members on the grounds that these documents contain personal information.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/06 titled “Report on the development of the draft Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund: Submission from the ad hoc group of Board/Alternate members”,
- Endorses the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund, which is a living document, as contained in annex I, as the initial GCF Strategic Plan to guide the Board in addressing policy gaps and programming the Fund’s resources of the Initial Resource Mobilization period between 2015 and 2018 and to invest the Fund’s resources in transformational climate actions in a country‐driven manner;
- Resolves to swiftly implement the Strategic Plan in order to meet the Board’s aspirational approvals target for 2016 and to scale up the Fund’s investments in ambitious climate action;
- Requests the Secretariat, under the Co‐Chairs’ guidance, to integrate the operational priorities and action plan included in the Strategic Plan in the Work Plan for 2016, and subsequent Work Plans;
- Requests the Secretariat to take all steps necessary to implement the action plan in a gender‐responsive manner, and report at each Board meeting on progress achieved;
- Notes that the implementation of the operational priorities and action plan will be guided by the Governing Instrument for the GCF, including the objective and principles laid out therein;
- Requests the committees, panels and groups of the Board to include the actions outlined in the Strategic Plan in their respective deliberations and work programmes, as appropriate, throughout the Initial Resource Mobilization period, and to present these work programmes for consideration at the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
- Acknowledges that the strategic priority matters as expressed by Board members during the discussion at the twelfth meeting of the Board, which will be recorded, will be considered in the course of the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and urges the Co‐ Chairs, committees, groups and panels, and the Secretariat to consider these matters;
- Welcomes the decision reached at the twenty‐first session of the Conference of the Parties that the GCF, as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, will serve the Paris Agreement;
- Requests the Secretariat to present, for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting , a proposal on how the Fund could support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and related decisions of the Conference of the Parties; and
- Decides to review the Fund’s Strategic Plan as part of each replenishment process with a view to revising the strategic vision, if and as needed, and to update the core operational priorities and underlying action plan for the coming replenishment cycle, taking into account evolving priorities, including guidance from the Conference of the Parties and relevant reports from the independent evaluation unit.
The Board,
- Takes note of the report of the Accreditation Committee on its progress to develop a strategy on accreditation, as contained in annex II; and
- Decides to defer its consideration of the strategy on accreditation to the thirteenth meeting of the Board.
The Board, having reviewed the proposition of the Executive Director Selection Committee,
- Notes the decision of the Executive Director to complete her current term in office, and not to seek an appointment for the second term at the end of the three‐year term;
- Acknowledges with appreciation the contributions of the Executive Director to the establishment of the Fund’s Secretariat at its headquarters in Songdo, Republic of Korea, and the operationalization of the Fund, including the significant role of the Executive Director in the Initial Resource Mobilization process; and looks forward to working with the Executive Director until the completion of her term;
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to agree a set of objectives with the Executive Director to cover the remainder of the term, and to share them with the Board;
- Establishes the ad hoc Executive Director Selection Committee as an ad hoc committee of the Board in accordance with paragraphs 2(g) and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board;
- Adopts the terms of reference of the Executive Director Selection Committee as set out in annex III;
- Requests the Executive Director Selection Committee to develop a performance framework for the Executive Director;
- Appoints as members of the Executive Director Selection Committee:
- Mr. Omar El‐Arini;
- Mr. Anton Hilber;
- Ms. Caroline Leclerc;
- Mr. Leonardo Martinez‐Diaz;
- Mr. Jorge Ferrer Rodriguez; and
- Mr. Ayman Shasly;
- Adopts the updated terms of reference of the Executive Director as set out in annex IV;
- Adopts the selection process for the Executive Director as set out in annex V;
- Takes note of the indicative timeline of the entire process for the appointment of the Executive Director as set out in annex VI;
- Decides to engage the services of an independent executive search firm to support the Executive Director Selection Committee;
- Endorses the terms of reference of the independent executive search firm as set out in annex VII; and
- Approves a budget increment for 2016 for the selection of the Executive Director, including the costs of the independent executive search firm as set out in an annex, which has been shared as limited distribution.
The Board,
- Requests the Secretariat to review the initial proposal approval process taking into account the views expressed at the twelfth meeting of the Board, and to present, for consideration by the Board at its fifteenth meeting, the outcome and recommendations from the review; and
- Invites submissions, no later than 10 April 2016, from Board and alternate Board members, observers, accredited entities, national designated authorities/focal points, and delivery partners, in relation to the review and in accordance with decision B.11/11, paragraph (j), as well as paragraphs (c) and (d).
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/Inf.06/Add.02 titled “Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme – addendum project preparation funding application”,
- Takes note of the project preparation funding application for the Rural Green Economy and Climate Resilient Development Programme (by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda), as contained in document GCF/B.12/Inf.06/Add.02;
- Also takes note of the assessment of the Secretariat in accordance with decision B.11/11, paragraph (l); and
- Approves the amount of USD 1.5 million in grants for the project preparation of the programme titled “Rural Green Economy and Climate Resilient Development Programme”, submitted by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda.
The Board,
- Requests the Secretariat to present a document, taking into consideration the views expressed by the Board at its twelfth meeting, on matters related to the scope and functioning of the Project Preparation Facility, for consideration and adoption by the Board at its thirteenth meeting; and
- Notes that the Board will consider applications under the Project Preparation Facility once the guidelines are adopted.
The Board,
Decides to defer its consideration of the Communication strategy of the Fund to the thirteenth meeting of the Board.
The Board having considered document GCF/B.12/15 titled “Revised administrative budget and staffing of the Secretariat for 2016”,
- Notes that the current workload is being carried out by a complement of 56 regular Secretariat staff and approximately 33 long‐term consultants, and acknowledges that this situation is unsustainable and should be addressed as a priority;
- Further notes the need to increase the number of regular staff in the Secretariat to an approximate total of 100 by the end of 2016 and to further increase to a total of approximately 140 by the end of 2017, taking into consideration the ability of the Secretariat to recruit and absorb the increasing staff numbers, following the appropriate processes;
- Requests the Secretariat to consider filling new positions with internal candidates where appropriate, on a priority basis;
- Approves the following amounts additional to the approved administrative budget in decision B.11/08:
- USD 4,351,993 for staffing;
- USD 1,562,855 in ancillary non‐staff costs; and
- USD 772,640 for the administrative budget of the Board;
- Notes that now the total administrative budget for 2016 will be USD 35,844,715, and takes note of the budgetary implications for future years;
- Recognizes the need for further guidance from the Board on some of the Secretariat’s functions, inter alia, the appropriate level of due diligence for project proposals, and rationalization and streamlining of processes;
- Requests the Secretariat to provide a revised version of the annual presentation of the staffing structure to inform the Budget Committee, in its review and recommendations on budget implications for 2017 and 2018, by the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
- Also requests the Budget Committee to consult with the Secretariat and make recommendations on the administrative budgets for 2017 and 2018 by the fourteenth meeting of the Board;
- Authorizes the Secretariat to enter into contractual obligations, from the approved budget, to ensure the continuation of the operations of the Fund beyond the current financial period; and
- Agrees that for new decisions with additional budgetary implications, which may be taken at future Board meetings, the corresponding amounts will be considered by the Board to be added to the approved administrative budget.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/14 titled “Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization process”,
- Endorses that contributions pledged within, as part of, the Initial Resource Mobilization period, may be paid up to and including 2020; and
- Also endorses (i) the terms specified in paragraph 6.4, and (ii) the payment schedule specified in paragraph 6.3 of the contribution agreement among the Kingdom of Spain, the Green Climate Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, serving as the Interim Trustee of the Green Climate Fund Trust Fund, dated 6 January 2016 as contained in annex VIII.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/12 titled “Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization process: loan agreement/arrangement”,
- Confirms the terms of the Loan Arrangement among the Government of Canada, the Green Climate Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, serving as the Interim Trustee of the Green Climate Fund Trust Fund, dated 9 December 2015 as contained in annex IX; and
- Also confirms the terms of the Loan Agreement among Agence Française de Développement, acting on behalf and at the risk of the French Government, the Green Climate Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, serving as the Interim Trustee of the Green Climate Fund Trust Fund, dated 9 December 2015 as contained in annex X.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/07 titled “Consideration of accreditation proposals”,
- Takes note with appreciation of the in‐depth assessment conducted by the Accreditation Panel contained within the relevant annexes for the following applicants:
- Applicant 021 (APL021) is the Agency for Agricultural Development of Morocco (ADA) based in Morocco, as contained in annex XI;
- Applicant 022 (APL022) is the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (MOFEC) based in Ethiopia, as contained in annex XII;
- Applicant 023 (APL023) is the National Environment Management Authority of Kenya (NEMA) based in Kenya, as contained in annex XIII;
- Applicant 024 (APL024) is the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) based in South Africa, as contained in annex XIV;
- Applicant 025 (APL025) is the Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB) headquartered in France, as contained in annex XV;
- Applicant 026 (APL026) is the HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries (HSBC) headquartered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as contained in annex XVI;
- Applicant 027 (APL027) is the African Development Bank (AfDB) headquartered in Côte d’Ivoire, as contained in annex XVII;
- Applicant 028 (APL028) is the European Investment Bank (EIB) headquartered in Luxembourg, as contained in annex XVIII;
- Applicant 029 (APL029) is the International Finance Corporation (IFC) headquartered in the United States of America, as contained in annex XIX;
- Applicant 030 (APL030) is the Unidad Para el Cambio Rural (Unit for Rural Change, UCAR) based in Argentina, as contained in annex XX;
- Applicant 031 (APL031) is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) headquartered in Switzerland, as contained in annex XXI;
- Applicant 032 (APL032) is the World Food Programme (WFP) headquartered in Italy, as contained in annex XXII; and
- Applicant 033 (APL033) is the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) headquartered in Switzerland, as contained in annex XXIII;
- Accredits APL021, APL022, APL023, APL024, APL025, APL026, APL027, APL028, APL029, APL030, APL031, APL032 and APL033 pursuant to paragraph 45 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF, and subject to, and in accordance with, the assessment by the Accreditation Panel contained in the relevant annexes for each of the applicant entities. A summary of the recommended accreditation type and conditions and remarks, if any, for each applicant is contained in annex XXIV;
- Recalling decision B.10/06, paragraph (j), and decision B.11/10, annex I, paragraph 35, the Board underlines its expectation that accredited entities will advance the goal of the GCF to promote the paradigm shift towards low‐emission and climate‐resilient development pathways in the context of sustainable development, which includes shifting their overall portfolios in line with this direction;
- Requests the Accreditation Panel, with the support of the Secretariat as necessary, to establish a baseline on the overall portfolio of accredited entities, including those already accredited at an earlier stage, that allows for an assessment of the extent to which the accredited entities' overall portfolios of activities, beyond those funded by the GCF, have evolved in this direction during the accreditation period;
- Notes that the Accreditation Panel has recommended the accreditation of applicant 26 and further notes that in its review the Accreditation Panel identified a potential information gap associated with the implementation of its Global Standards programme, which overviews the applicant's progress in implementing stronger anti‐money laundering and sanctions compliance mechanisms (Global Standards);
- Requests that the Accreditation Panel review prior to the fourteenth and sixteenth meetings of the Board, the applicant's progress in implementing its Global Standard, including a review of material external information. Further requests that the Accreditation Panel report to the Board on whether the results of these reviews would alter its recommendation to accredit the applicant;
- Approves the accreditation of applicant 26 subject to the condition that the Board has the ability to temporarily or permanently suspend the applicant's accreditation based on the recommendation of the Accreditation Panel following its reviews;
- Takes note that the process outlined for applicant026 applies only in this case, without prejudice to further decisions;
- Takes note that, pursuant to decision B.08/03, paragraph (k), the Secretariat, in consultation with the Accreditation Panel, is proposing that the eligibility to apply under the fast‐track accreditation process be extended to those entities listed in annex XXV; and
- Decides that those entities referred to in annex XXV are also eligible to apply under the fast‐track accreditation process for the standards of the GCF in accordance with decision B.08/03, paragraph (f), for entities accredited by the Adaptation Fund, and decision B.08/03, paragraph (g), for entities under the Directorate‐General for International Development and Cooperation of the European Commission (DG DEVCO).
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/23 titled “Template Accreditation Master Agreement”:
- Takes note of the information provided by the Secretariat in document GCF/B.12/23 and of the progress made to date by the GCF in engaging with accredited entities on the execution of Accreditation Master Agreements;
- Considers the template Accreditation Master Agreement as set out in annex XXVI adequate for completing stage III of the accreditation process;
- Acknowledges that substantive changes from the template Accreditation Master Agreement may be necessary on a case‐by‐case basis as a consequence of negotiations with accredited entities, which will each have unique circumstances and requirements that may need to be taken into account. The Accreditation Master Agreement template should be considered flexible enough to ensure executed Accreditation Master Agreements are fit for purpose;
- Requests the Executive Director to regard the template Accreditation Master Agreement as the basis for negotiations with accredited entities. The Executive Director will determine, in consultation with the risk and legal teams, and the Risk Management Committee, whether or not a change is considered substantive on a case‐by‐case basis, and would require Board approval;
- Decides to approve the policy guidance, to be deemed substantive under paragraph (d) above in respect of Accreditation Master Agreements as set out in annex XXVII;
- Requests the Executive Director, as a matter of urgency, to prioritize the execution of Accreditation Master Agreements with those entities accredited by the Board, and to remain in regular communication with the Co‐Chairs between formal meetings on progress made to that end;
- Affirms the importance and urgency for the Fund to have adequate policies addressing fraud, corruption and other prohibited practices and policies addressing anti‐money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism;
- Decides to adopt the General Principles on Prohibited Practices, as presented in Exhibit A of the template Accreditation Master Agreement, as the Fund’s interim policy on prohibited practices to be observed by accredited entities, and readiness partners;
- Requests the Risk Management Committee, with the support of the Secretariat, to further develop the Fund’s Policies on prohibited practices for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting;
- Also requests the Risk Management Committee, with support of the Secretariat, to develop processes and tools to implement the Fund’s interim policy, taking into account staffing and resources; and
- Notes that the Secretariat has been mandated to pursue, as a matter of urgency, entering into bilateral agreements with countries in which the Fund operates on privileges and immunities reflecting prudent international practice, consistent with decision B.08/24 and the guidance of the Conference of the Parties in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 7/CP.20, paragraph 21.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/Inf.06 titled “Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme,
- Requests the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting, which identifies alternative arrangements to readiness grant agreements aimed at disbursing readiness grants, including those outlined in annex VI to document GCF/B.12/Inf.06, and also identifies obstacles faced by countries;
- Requests the Secretariat to provide advance payments up to a limit of USD 50,000 to countries or their delivery partners that have signed readiness grant agreements where, in the judgement of the Secretariat, lengthy domestic processes are required to conclude the agreement, until a decision is taken regarding paragraph (a) above;
- Decides to defer its consideration of the review of the resource allocation of the readiness programme until its thirteenth meeting, in accordance with decision B.11/04,paragraph (h), and decision B.08/11, paragraph (h);
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to undertake consultations with the Board, national designated authorities, focal points, accredited entities and delivery partners to present a recommendation based on paragraph (c) above, for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting;
- Decides to defer the consideration of the improvement and simplification of the process to access the readiness programme, as mandated in decision B.11/04, to its thirteenth meeting;
- Requests the Co‐Chairs to undertake consultations with the Board, national designated authorities, focal points, accredited entities and delivery partners, and to present a recommendation on paragraph (e) above for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting;
- Decides to amend decision B.08/11, annex XVIII, section 1.1, paragraph (a), by replacing the words "two‐year period" with "one‐year period"; decision B.08/11, annex XVIII, section 1.1, paragraph (d)(i), first bullet point by replacing the words "two‐year" with "one‐year", and decision B.08/11, annex XVIII, section 1.2, (a)(iv) by replacing limitations (i) and (ii) with "an annual cap of USD 100,000 for stakeholder meetings";
- Requests the Secretariat to present, for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting, a proposal on the activities to be covered by the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme in relation to support for accredited direct access entities. The proposal may include building their capacities in areas related to adaptation, mitigation, environmental and social safeguards, gender, and monitoring and evaluation. The proposal should take into account lessons learned about the accreditation process from the experiences of direct access entities;
- Also requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Co‐Chairs, to present the Country ownership guidelines as referred to in decision B.10/10, paragraph (d), for consideration by the Board at its thirteenth meeting; and
- Also requests the Secretariat, in its progress report to the Board, to include updates on the regional workshops to be organized, on the development of regional hubs, on strengthening expertise in regions to support countries, and an overview of activities being undertaken by readiness partners.
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.12/13 titled “Further development of indicators in the performance measurement frameworks”,
- Decides to defer consideration of further development of indicators in the performance measurement frameworks as contained in document GCF/B.12/13 to the thirteenth meeting of the Board;
- Invites submissions from Board members and alternate Board members, as well as active observers, on document GCF/B.12/13 no later than 10 April 2016; and
- Requests the Secretariat to facilitate a technical consultation on document GCF/B.12/13 prior to the consideration by the Board of this matter at its thirteenth meeting.
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.12/17 “Initial risk management framework: risk register, risk appetite update and Initial risk guidelines for credit and investment”:
- Adopts the risk register as contained in annex XXVIII and requests the Risk Management Committee to review probability, impact and resulting priorities prior to the thirteenth meeting of the Board. The risk register will be updated at least once a year;
- Takes note of the development of the other elements of the risk management framework;
- Also takes note of the progress in developing the risk appetite of the GCF;
- Reiterates that the GCF is an institution promoting the paradigm shift, in the context of sustainable development, towards low‐emission and climate‐resilient development pathways, and acknowledges that this involves taking risks that other institutions/funds may not be able or willing to take;
- Requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Risk Management Committee, to present the Interim risk and investment guidelines at the thirteenth meeting of the Board with revised financial instrument parameters;
- Decides that the Interim risk and investment guidelines will expire the earlier of (i) the fifteenth meeting of the Board, or (ii) at the adoption of an updated set of risk policies and guidelines;
- Requests the Risk Management Committee, with support from the Secretariat, to prepare and present to the Board for its consideration, no later than the fifteenth meeting of the Board, an updated set of risk policies and guidelines that include internal risk ratings methodologies, which should consider a differentiation of risks between adaptation and mitigation;
- Further requests the Secretariat to monitor and report to the Board at each Board meeting:
- The amount of GCF funding approved;
- The amount of GCF funding approved plus the submitted amount for approval at the specific Board meeting;
- The accumulated fund disbursed by each accredited entity, country and result area, and
- Any changes in priorities of the risk register; and
- Takes note that the Secretariat will produce risk manuals for the GCF financial instruments, asset and liability management, liquidity, and market risk before the end of 2016;
- Recognizes that while the GCF monitoring and accountability framework for accredited entities as set out in annex I to decision B.11/10 requires accredited entities to provide annual performance reports, including financial management reports, to the GCF, the GCF is required to prepare financial risk management summaries on a quarterly basis pursuant to annex II to decision B.07/05. Accordingly, such summaries may only reflect the risk categories applicable to the performance and projects of accredited entities on an annual basis; and
- Requests the Secretariat to recruit, as a matter of urgency, staff with risk management expertise.